Electronics circuits | Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri https://devrearsivi.com Elektronik Devreler - Devre Arşivi - Arduino Devreleri Fri, 19 Apr 2019 07:29:08 +0000 tr hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.4 https://devrearsivi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/cropped-DA-32x32.png Electronics circuits | Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri https://devrearsivi.com 32 32 Arduino ile LDR Devresi https://devrearsivi.com/arduino-ile-ldr-devresi/ https://devrearsivi.com/arduino-ile-ldr-devresi/#respond Fri, 19 Apr 2019 07:28:00 +0000 https://devrearsivi.com/?p=3428 LDR IŞIĞA duyarlı bir devre elemanıdır. Ters orantılı bir çalışma prensibine sahiptir.

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Evet arkadaşlar uzun aradan sonra yeniden beraberiz. teknik ve kişisel problemlerden dolayı ara vermek zorunda kaldık. bu projemizde arduino ile pratik yapmak isteyen arkadaşlar ve kardeşlerimiz için ldr ile led uygulamasını paylaşmak istedim. aşşağıda kısaca tanıtımların ardından kodlamalar yardımı ile kolayca devreyi kurabilirsiniz.

iyi çalışmalar.

LDR Nedir?

LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) yani Türkçe’de “Işığa Bağımlı Direnç” anlamına gelmektedir. LDR ışığa duyarlı bir devre elemanıdır. Ters orantılı bir çalışma prensibine sahiptir. Yani üzerine düşen ışık değeri arttıkça sahip olduğu direnç değeri azalırken, üzerine düşen ışık değeri artıkça sahip olduğu direnç artar. Bu özelliği sebebiyle LDR devrede bir ON-OFF şeklinde anahtarlama görevinde bulunur. Günlük hayatta LDR sensörü alarmlarda, anahtarlama cihazlarında, sokak aydınlatmalarında kullanılabilirler. Devremiz de kullandığımız LDR sensörümüz bir Analog Girişli Sensördür.

Analog Giriş Nedir?

Arduino da ADC (Analog To Digital Converter) özelliği mevcuttur. Bu özellik sayesinde dış dünyadan gelen verileri sayısal değerlere dönüştürebiliriz. Arduino UNO kartı üzerinde A0-A5 olmak üzere 6 adet analog giriş bulunur. Analog giriş sayısı modele göre değişebilir ama işlevi aynıdır

Arduino kodları:

int ledPin = 10;
int LDRPin = A3;
void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
 int isik_degeri = analogRead(LDRPin);
delay(100); &nbsp;
 &nbsp;&nbsp;digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
 &nbsp;&nbsp;digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
<strong>int ledPin = 10;</strong> &nbsp;// İlk olarak LED’imizin ve LDR sensörümüzün pinlerini belirliyoruz.

int LDRPin = A3;

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // LED’imizin bir OUTPUT olduğunu belirtiyoruz.

Serial.begin(9600); // Seri iletişimi başlatıyoruz.

Loop Kısmına indiğimiz zaman ise;

int isik_degeri = analogRead(LDRPin); // LDR sensörümüzün ölçmüş olduğu ışık değerini int tipinde bir değişkene atıyoruz.

Serial.println(isik_degeri); // Gelen değeri ise yeni değişkenimizde okumasını istiyoruz.

delay(100);  // Saniyenin 1/10 kadarını beklemesini söylüyoruz.

if(isik_degeri<200) // if döngüsü başlatıyoruz gelen ölçülen değerin bizim belirlediğimiz değerin altında veya üstünde olma durumunu kontrol ediyoruz.


   digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Eğer ki gelen ışık düzeyi 200 de fazla ise LED’imizi aktif ediyoruz.




   digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Eğer ki gelen ışık düzeyi 200 den fazla ise LED’imizi pasif durumuna çekiyoruz.


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12v 5A Güç kaynagı Devresi https://devrearsivi.com/12v-5a-guc-kaynagi-devresi/ https://devrearsivi.com/12v-5a-guc-kaynagi-devresi/#respond Wed, 19 Sep 2018 16:00:25 +0000 https://devrearsivi.com/?p=3419 12v 5A Güç kaynagı Devresi, Devremizde çalışma mantıgı ac gerilimi dc gerilime çevirip istediğimiz voltaja...

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12v 5A Güç kaynagı Devresi, Devremizde çalışma mantıgı ac gerilimi dc gerilime çevirip istediğimiz voltaja indiren bir güç kaynagı devresidir.

Güç Kaynagı Devresindeki elemanları inceleyecek olursak ;

Devrede kullanılan transformatör 220v AC gerilimi 12v AC ye çevirmektedir. Dikkatinizi çekmesi gereken nokta ise AC akım aynı kaldı trafo sadece değerini ayarladı.

Trafodan düşerek gelen gerilim  köprü diyota girerek DC olarak çıkar. Burada dikkat edecek nokta 12AC , 12V DC ye dönüşmektedir.

12V DC elde ettikten sonra akımdaki ufak dalgalanmaları yok etmek için konsantatör kullanılır.

Devredeki 7812 ise bize sabit 12 v dc çıkışı vermek için kullanılıyor. Biliyorsunuz ki elektronik bir çok alet çok hassastır ve dosdoğru bir 12v ister bu yüzden  tam doğrultmak için 7812 ve kondansatörlerimizi kullanıyoruz.

BDX54C ise gerçekten güçlü bir transistördür 8A E kadar yük geçebilir. 8A ifade etmek gerekirse elinizdeki çogu kocaman güç kaynagı 4-5 Ampere dayanıklıdır bu şekilde kıyaslarsanız muazzam bir transistör olduğunu anlayacaksınız. Burdaki uyarım ise sogutucu olmadan kullanmayın !

Kullanılan Malzemeler

-220-12 trafo

-2 tane direnç (0.47 ve 4.7 ohm)

-bdx54x transistör


-3 tane elektrolitik kondansatör(4700 mikro farat,1 mikro farat ,1 mikro farat)

-5-8 A köprü diyot



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IR Remote Control https://devrearsivi.com/ir-remote-control/ https://devrearsivi.com/ir-remote-control/#comments Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:32:53 +0000 http://www.devrearsivi.com/?p=2314 IR Remote Control

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DIGITAL STOP WATCH https://devrearsivi.com/digital-stop-watch/ https://devrearsivi.com/digital-stop-watch/#respond Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:26:46 +0000 http://www.devrearsivi.com/?p=2309 Here’s a digital stop watch built around timer IC LM555 and 4-digit counter IC with...

The post DIGITAL STOP WATCH first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

Here’s a digital stop watch built
around timer IC LM555 and 4-digit
counter IC with multiplexed 7-segment
output drivers (MM74C926).
IC MM74C926 consists of a 4-digit
counter, an internal output latch, npn
output sourcing drivers for commoncathode,
7-segment display and an
internal multiplexing circuitry with four
multiplexing outputs. The multiplexing circuit
has its own free running oscillator,
and requires no external clock. The
counter advances on negative edge of
the clock. The clock is generated by timer
IC LM555 (IC1) and applied to pin 12
of IC2.
A high signal on reset pin 13 of
IC2 resets the counter to zero. Reset pin
13 is connected to +5V through reset
C.H. VITHALANI push-on-switch S3. When S2 is momentarily
pressed, the count value becomes
0, transistor T1 conducts and it resets
IC1. Counting starts when S2 is in ‘off’
A low signal on the latch-enable input
pin 5 (LE) of IC2 latches the number in
the counter into the internal output latches.
When switch S2 is pressed, pin 5 goes
low and hence the count value gets stored
in the latch. Display-select pin 6 (DS) decides
whether the number on the counter
or the number stored in the latch is to be
displayed. If pin 6 is low the number in
the output latch is displayed, and if pin 6
is high the number in the counter is displayed.
When switch S2 is pressed, the
base of pnp transistor T2 is connected to
ground and it starts conducting. The emitter
of T2 is connected to DS pin of IC2.
Thus, when switch S3 is pressed, reset
pin 13 of IC2 is connected to ground
via transistor T1 and the oscillator does
not generate clock pulses. This is done
to achieve synchronisation between IC1
and IC2.
First, reset the circuit so that the display
shows ‘0000.’ Now open switch S2
for the stop watch to start counting the
time. If you want to stop the clock, close
switch S2.
Rotary switch S1 is used to select the
different time periods at the output of the
astable multivibrator (IC1). The circuit
works off a 5V power supply. It can be
easily assembled on a general-purpose
PCB. Enclose the circuit in a metal box
with provisions for four 7-segment displays,
rotary switch S1, start/stop switch
S2 and reset switch S3 in the front panel
of the box.

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Power supply failure alarm https://devrearsivi.com/power-supply-failure-alarm/ https://devrearsivi.com/power-supply-failure-alarm/#comments Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:43:55 +0000 http://www.devrearsivi.com/?p=2187 Most of the power supply failure indicator circuits need a separate power supply for themselves....

The post Power supply failure alarm first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

Most of the power supply failure indicator circuits need a separate power supply for themselves. But the alarm circuit presented here needs no additional supply source. It employs an electrolytic capacitor to store adequate charge, to feed power to the alarm circuit which sounds an alarm for a reasonable duration when the supply fails.
This circuit can be used as an alarm for power supplies in the range of 5V to 15V.
To calibrate the circuit, first connect the power supply (5 to 15V) then vary the potentiometer VR1 until the buzzer goes from on to off.
Whenever the supply fails, resistor R2 pulls the base of transistor low and saturates it, turning the buzzer ON.

Power supply failure alarm

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Rain Alarm https://devrearsivi.com/rain-alarm/ https://devrearsivi.com/rain-alarm/#respond Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:40:59 +0000 http://www.devrearsivi.com/?p=2182 This circuit gives out an alarm when its sensor is wetted by water. A 555...

The post Rain Alarm first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

This circuit gives out an alarm when its sensor is wetted by water.
A 555 astable multivibrator is used here which gives a tone of about 1kHz upon detecting water.
The sensor when wetted by water completes the circuit and makes the 555 oscillate at about 1kHz.

The sensor is also shown in the circuit diagram.
It has to placed making an angle of about 30 – 45 degrees to the ground. This makes the rain water to flow through it to the ground and prevents the alarm from going on due to the stored water on the sensor.
The metal used to make the sensor has to be aluminium and not copper. This is because copper forms a blue oxide on its layer on prolonged exposure to moisture and has to be cleaned regularly.
The aluminium foils may be secured to the wooden / plastic board via epoxy adhesive or small screws.
The contact X and Y from the sensor may be obtained by small crocodile clips or you may use screws.


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Fridge Door Alarm Circuit https://devrearsivi.com/fridge-door-alarm-circuit/ https://devrearsivi.com/fridge-door-alarm-circuit/#comments Tue, 21 Jan 2014 21:17:57 +0000 http://www.devrearsiv.com/?p=1985 This fridge door alarm is using a 3V battery supply should be placed (in a...

The post Fridge Door Alarm Circuit first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

This fridge door alarm is using a 3V battery supply should be placed (in a small box) in the fridge near the lamp or close to the opening. With the door closed the photo resistor R2 presents a high resistance (>200K) thus clamping IC1 by holding C1 fully charged across R1 and D1.

When a beam of light enters from the opening, or the fridge lamp lights, the photo resistor lowers its resistfridgeance (<2K) stopping C1 charging current. Therefore IC1, wired as an astable multivibrator, starts oscillating at a very low frequency and after a period of about 24 sec. its output pin (#3) goes high, enabling IC2.

This chip is also wired as an astable multivibrator, driving the Piezo sounder intermittently at about 5 times per second. The alarm is activated for about 17 sec. then stopped for the same time period and the cycle repeats until the fridge door closes.
Some notes for the fridge door alarm:

  • Delay time can be varied changing C1 and/or R3 values.
  • Beeper repetition rate can be varied changing C2 and/or R4 values.
  • Stand-by current drawing: 150µA.
  • Place the circuit near the lamp and take it away when defrosting, to avoid circuit damage due to excessive moisture.
  • Do not put this device in the freezer.

Fridge door alarm circuit diagram



Components Values
R1 = 10K 1/4W Resistor
R2 = Photoresistor (any type)
R3 = 2M2 1/4W Resistor
R4 = 1M 1/4W Resistor
C1= 10µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2 = 100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
D1 = 1N4148 75V 150mA Diode
IC1, IC2 = 7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer ICs
BZ1 = Piezo sounder (incorporating 3KHz oscillator)
B1 = 3V Battery (2 x 1.5V AA, AAA or smaller type Cells in series)

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Infrared Beam Break Detector https://devrearsivi.com/infrared-beam-break-detector/ https://devrearsivi.com/infrared-beam-break-detector/#respond Tue, 21 Jan 2014 21:14:02 +0000 http://www.devrearsiv.com/?p=1982 Application An infrared detector that sounds a buzzer when an IR beam is broken, meaning...

The post Infrared Beam Break Detector first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.


An infrared detector that sounds a buzzer when an IR beam is broken, meaning the IR signal is lost. A pulsed IR signal generator is necessary, but not included in this post. This project would be ideal for doorways or hallways to alert when someone enters or exits an area.


The IR sensor responds to pulsed infrared, not ambient or continuous IR. This means that another transmitter project is necessary in order to complete this one! Note though that some forms of lighting like fluorescent lighting may interfere with the sensor. For convenience, the the buzzer is internally driven so that a only Vdc is needed to make a sound. In this case, the IR sensor senses 38kHz pulsed infrared light.

Pin 3 of the IR sensor is actually low (0V) while receiving a signal. When the sensor is blocked from receiving the IR signal, the sensor outputs a high signal to the comparator, which then allows current through the LED/Buzzer circuit, and alerting you that the beam is broken. In the Scheme-It drawing the LM311 IC is a grouping of three components, in a functional block diagram style, to show how it functions in the circuit beyond what the pinouts would show normally.

Schematic of the IR Beam Detector Circuit



Parts list

RefDes Name Value Part Number Digi-Key Part Description
C1 POLARIZED 10uF 293D106X0025C2TE3 718-1044-1-ND CAP TANT 10UF 25V 20% 2312

The post Infrared Beam Break Detector first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

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Common Types of Relay https://devrearsivi.com/common-types-of-relay/ https://devrearsivi.com/common-types-of-relay/#comments Tue, 21 Jan 2014 21:09:07 +0000 http://www.devrearsiv.com/?p=1978     You can choose from a wide range of relays but do you know...

The post Common Types of Relay first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.



You can choose from a wide range of relays but do you know what type to use in your project? Well, sometimes is hard to choose, especially if you’re not sure which model you need or how a specific one works. In this article we will learn about different types of relay and what to use in you circuit to get the desired result.


Usually there a 2 types of relays:


a) Latching – it can have one or two coils and it can remain in the last position when the current is turned off. These type of relays are useful in applications where power consumption must be low because they require no current to maintain their position.

b) Non-Latching – it has a spring or magnet that maintains its initial state of NC (normal closed) when no current is flowing through the coil. When current flows through the coil then the contact is opened as you can see in the animation above.


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dijital termometre devresi https://devrearsivi.com/dijital-termometre/ https://devrearsivi.com/dijital-termometre/#comments Tue, 21 Jan 2014 18:54:00 +0000 http://www.devrearsiv.com/?p=1974 Termometre devresinin beslemesi tek kaynak 5 volt sıcaklık sensörü olarak bc547b kullanılmış p1 ve p2 trimpotları ile kalibrasyon yapılıyor gösterge için iki adet HD-A544Dled display kullanılmış...

The post dijital termometre devresi first appeared on Elektronik Devreler - Projeler Ödevler - Tez Ödevleri.

Termometre devresinin beslemesi tek kaynak 5 volt sıcaklık sensörü olarak bc547b kullanılmış p1 ve p2 trimpotları ile kalibrasyon yapılıyor gösterge için iki adet HD-A544Dled display kullanılmış 2 faklı pcb bulunmakta yukarıda ki resimde gördüğünüz ve besleme, kontrol, display katlarının ayrı modüller halinde olanını aşağıdaki linkte bulabilirsiniz.



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